A poem I wrote years ago. Timeless, especially in our plugged in, tech driven world.
Imagine a place where a blackberry is actually a berry that is black.
Imagine a place where text means the words that kids hand write in letters to mom and dad.
Imagine a place where social networking means telling stories around a campfire.
Imagine a place where telephone is a game played while sitting in a circle.
Imagine a place where alcohol is something the nurse uses to clean cuts and scrapes.
Imagine a place where when the lights go out, kids immediately fall asleep….
…..and when reveille blows they eagerly pop out of bed.
Imagine a place where kindle means lighting a campfire, and nook is your little corner of the bunk.
Imagine a place where a laptop is the place a young child sits when being comforted by his counselor.
Imagine a place where a screen is only used to keep the bugs out.
Imagine a place where a tweet is the sound a real bird makes.
Imagine a place where friending someone means a physical connection;
and a wall is something kids don’t write on (or at least aren’t supposed to).