Middle School and Upper School Teen Experiences Between Camp and College
There are a myriad of experiences for your teen who has outgrown “traditional” camp
and is looking for meaningful summer enrichment.
While the world is increasingly “flat”; it is increasingly beneficial for teens to understand and be inspired by different global perspectives while exploring CULTURE, SERVICE,and LANGUAGE opportunities that allow for engaging, transformative adventure travel and community service.
As your teen is beginning a personal exploration of how to weave their unique cloth or imagine how to paint their individual canvas, finding an extraordinary travel program that will strengthen peer dynamics, leadership, independence and more informed global citizenship can lead them to perspective and purpose as they prepare for college and beyond.
Here is a snapshot of what these programs might include:
-Expedition adventure travel
-Cultural exploration or language immersion
-Global Community service
-Farm to table culinary travel
-Marine Science and Conservation in Action
-Emergency medicine and First responder training
-Animal science
-Photography, Art and Architecture Skill-building
As a Tips on Trips Advisor, who offers a free advisory service, I can help you sort through programs we have carefully researched and worked with to find the best global summer enrichment program suited to your student’s interests and goals.
Direct your child to the “Next Step” and let Tips on Trips help you both find a summer program that might develop or even discover a latent passion or interest.
The Life Skills your teen can build cannot be measured by the ACT or SAT; but rather will build the tolerance, maturity and understanding of different cultures, all connected by the thread of human experience.
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