Summer programs for teens are as diverse as teens themselves. Your teen has done their research and narrowed it down to one amazing experience. Now comes the hard part, getting them to do the application. I suggest you embrace the process and here’s why:
For the high school aged student, the summer program application presents the perfect opportunity to have a first glance at filling out an app. Although not as intensive as the college application, many summer program app’s will include a short essay, teacher recommendations and/or an interview via skype.
Many students derive success by following the CEO method as they and their parents take the first plunge into what will likely be years of filling out app’s. The student should focus on being his or her own CEO.
Coordinate academic achievements and activities pertinent to the type of summer program the student is applying for. Paint a focused picture of coordinated volunteer activities, interests and classes.
Experience is valued. Often times while filling out the application, it becomes clear to the student that he or she is light on participation in activities or organizations relative to their area of interest. Upon this realization, the junior and early part of senior year are both ideal times to further involve oneself in new and interesting ways. Doing so, will help make the student that much stronger as an applicant in the future.
Organization is key. Be mindful to present the coordinated information in an organized fashion. Readers of the app gain insight and get to know a student through their application when the information presented is concise and chronological. Highlighting the most impactful relative things the student has done works well too.
Encourage your student to be his or her own CEO. Learning how to present oneself on a summer application will help them to understand what speaks to those reading their applications. Utilize the summer app to practice skills that will be needed in the future when, as high school seniors, they will be filling out college applications.
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