This is the time of year when parents start thinking about summer camp. If your oldest child has already started going to sleep away camp, then the hard part is over. Right?? Well, not always. How do you handle a situation when the second sibling is ready for sleep away camp? Do you automatically send him/her with their older sibling? For some families, it is a “one for all and all for one” approach. There are many advantages to taking this route. The second child has the comfort of their older sibling. They probably also know some of their siblings friends. Seek out those parents and ask if they also have younger children. My son met the younger brother of one of his brother’s friends and they were able to start camp together and have been inseparable since meeting.
What if their interests are totally different? If your oldest child wants a sports camp and your younger child wants an arts camp, are you doomed? Does family trump individuality? If so, speak to the camp director, many camps can accommodate all your summer camp needs.
Maybe you want your children to have separate experiences. You know your child and your family best. This could be the best thing for both your children.They already have a family connection, but by attending different summer camps they get to enhance their own interests and skills.
Regardless of which route you take, go with your gut. Do your research. Get your advice on camp from a professional to help you find the right choice for the right child.
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