WOW, what a difference a year makes! Tips on Trips and Camps advisors enthusiastically helped thousands of families find overnight camps and teen experiences for summer 2021. It was an interesting ride to get to this moment, and I am so proud of our trusted team. Like the directors of the programs we represent, we are “camp people,” so it’s no surprise that our team figured out new ways to advise and help our families. Camp fairs canceled? No problem, we offered them virtually. Camp visits postponed? We Zoomed and Zoomed and Zoomed some more with hundreds of our programs. Some of our veteran advisors decided the time was right to move on, and we now have two new advisors for New York City and Chicago. They bring new energy and ideas to our team. We are not just bouncing back but bouncing forward as well.
As kids start leaving for their summer experiences, we will be celebrating both the normalcy and specialness of sending kids off on summer adventures. We are proud to play a role in making that happen. New memories are right around the corner!