June is a great month for calling overnight camps and planning a visit with your child. By visiting a camp, your child can start envisioning themselves as belonging and will spend the entire year looking forward to that special place where the fun is.
The overnight summer camps know just what to do. They will tour you and your child while answering all of your questions and your son or daughter’s questions. While you will be concerned with safety, swim lessons, age of the counselors and where they come from, your child will be asking about the food, the games, the other kids.
Some overnight camps go beyond the basic tours offering a day or a weekend at camp- often called Rookie Camp. These mini programs are usually free or low cost because they know that once your burgeoning camper is having a great time, they have been hooked. My advice? Do your research first and make sure it is the camp you want for your child. Once hooked, he/she will want to go back year after year!
The best way to learn which camps are good matches for your child’s personality and interests is by using a Tips on Trips and Camps advisor/consultant. Camp Consultants know which camps offer mini intro sessions, and which will best suit your child’s needs.
Remember, Tips advice is free and without obligation. So, call today and see where it takes you.