Snapchat, Insta, Fortnite, Houseparty, FaceTime, Facebook, other on-line gaming and app’s present countless and easy ways of socializing. Connections and communities at our kids’ fingertips; literally and virtually.
Depending on which communities and with whom your child is connecting, many on-line groups provide an exciting and excellent place for our kids to develop friendships albeit, virtually. Texting, snapping, scrolling, emoji’s, screen shots, selfie’s, posting, poking, liking, streaks, your story, tweeting, memes, GIF’s, may actually be used, by middle schoolers and teens, more often in a typical day than the actual spoken word. A connection, for sure. Communities, yes. The question is; are these connections and communities, as constant as they are, offering our kids that basic human need of actual connection, true friendship and a sense of real belonging within a group?
Find that balance in Summer Camp!
Overnight camps are a place where kids are totally Tech Free. No phones, computers, app’s, IPAD’s, IPOD’s, video games, screens, keyboards, chargers. No heads tilted downward. Instead of on-line connections and communities, camp gives kids the perfect environment to connect and find unity within the camp community. Without tech, kids talk to one another, they use words, expressions, voice intonations, they touch, and they are in the moment. Friendships are made and bonds are built in reality. There is nothing virtual about camp.
The best thing is, there is still space in many of the over 600+ vetted camps and programs we work with. We would love to connect with you. We are here to listen, discuss and research summer opportunities that are especially geared to YOUR child. Not virtually, but in reality, many can be life changing!
To be part of our ‘camp community’, please follow us on Insta, like us on Facebook and check out other blogs like this one on our website;